As a means for forming the character of the nation, the school is an important location where the "Nation Builders" Indonesia is expected to strive to bring the country to compete in the global arena. Along with the rapid global challenges, educational challenge becomes even greater, it is encouraging students to get the best performance.
However, the world of education in Indonesia still has several problems related to the quality of education include limited access to education, the number of teachers who have not been evenly distributed, as well as the quality of teachers themselves is insufficient. Lack of access to education in Indonesia, especially in the area led to the increasing urbanization to gain better access to knowledge in urban areas.
According to the Indonesian education activists, Anies Baswedan limited access to education in the area became the base of the rapid urbanization. "At issue, in Jabodetabek numbers are proportional, but do not we just talk urban, outer urban Precisely in that we had a problem and it is causing migration to Jakarta," said Anies. Indirectly, the Indonesian people are encouraged to urbanization because of limited facilities in the area. He considered that access to education should be completely open to the entire community by providing facilities that support the program. "If the only school in the capital district, then so much the school can not," he said.
In addition, the number of qualified teachers in accordance with the rated current is still not evenly distributed in the area. According to Director General of Primary Education (Education) Muhammad Hamid Kemendikbud today many elementary schools (SD) in Indonesia shortages. The number is estimated at 112 thousand teachers.
To overcome this problem, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) will cooperate with local governments, both provincial and district / city, in terms of distribution of teachers in these areas in order to more evenly. "If the teacher management can be handled optimally, not partial, it can be transferred to a district or an adjacent area," said Hamid.
Then, to improve the quality of teachers, Kemendikbud will improve the qualifications of teachers through scholarships S-1 for elementary and secondary teachers. Hamid explained, the number of elementary school teachers in public and private schools around 1,850 thousand teachers. Of these, only 60 percent of teachers who are already qualified with S-1 degree, while 40 percent do not meet the qualifications. Each year, Kemendikbud also set up scholarships for 100 thousand prospective teachers to study in the S-1 through S-1 scholarship aid for elementary and secondary teachers. Internationally, the quality of education in Indonesia is ranked 64th out of 120 countries around the world based on the annual report of the UNESCO Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2012. While based Education Development Index (Education Development Index, EDI), Indonesia was ranked ke- 69 out of 127 countries in 2011.
On the other hand, cases of children dropping out of school - school age children in Indonesia is still high "Based on data from Kemendikbud 2010, in Indonesia there are more than 1.8 million children each year can not continue education, This is caused by three factors, namely economic ; children - children are forced to work to support the family economy; and the marriage at an early age, "according to Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M. Eng, Sc in Jakarta. in a recent report the UN Development Program in 2013, Indonesia position 121 of 185 countries in the Human Development Index (HDI) with the number 0,629. with numbers that Indonesia lags of two neighboring ASEAN countries namely Malaysia (ranked 64th) and Singapore (18), while in the Asia Pacific region HDI is 0.683.
"We must solve the problems of education, because the ownership of knowledge is the key person achieve prosperity," according to the Indonesian education figures, Anies Baswedan. In the development of education in Indonesia, the government has implemented various policies to improve the quality of education in order to face the competition of the free world that will soon apply to the realization of the ASEAN Community in 2015.
To ease the burden and strengthen basic education in Indonesia students, Kemdikbud confirmed that it will fully enforce the Curriculum in 2013 from 2014, even has prepared a budget to support the operations of the curriculum. "It's ready and the next year almost all (school) can implement Curriculum 2013," said Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Musliar Kasim.
Curriculum 2013 is a Unit Level Curriculum (SBC), which focuses on the acquisition of knowledge of appropriate contextual and environmental areas respectively. The curriculum focuses on students' ratings on three things: attitude (honestly, manners, discipline), skills (through task practice / school project), and scientific knowledge. At a basic level such as primary schools, the curriculum is more focused on the formation of attitudes and life skills, while their knowledge is 'lighter' than the Education Unit Level Curriculum.
At the advanced level as middle and high school, the mastery of science portion is further enhanced because the private pupil is considered to have formed at a basic level. According Musliar, the new curriculum will be applied to students grade 1, 2, 4 and 5; junior high school students grade 8 and 9; as well as high school students grade 10 and 11. The Government will not print textbooks. As the implementation of the previous year, Kemendikbud will upload textbooks into internet sites.
Kemendikbud will set the highest retail prices for the books which are targeted to the free circulation. Curriculum 2013 had actually been implemented since mid-2013 in a number of schools that have been selected, despite being criticized because its implementation is somewhat forced.